Sunday, 17 July 2016

Programming Methodology

Programming Methodology

Programming Methodology is a Kind of Approch to Solve a given problem. There are three kind of Approch
2.Procedure Oriented Programming Language
3.Object Oriented Programming Concepts
1. Unstructure
Is a kind of problem solveing approch in which we use to code the problem directly and if our problem gets increase code also get increase.
Example:-our assembly programming.
Advantage:- Speed writeing code in assemble language, is being directly converted into maching code and it gets execute.
2.If we have a bug then we have to debug complet programm, it is not so easy way.
3.No Reuseability
2. Procedure Oriented Programming Language
It follow TOP - DOWN Approch, top down approch means looking a problem in top down angle.

1.Divide the test module wise.
2.Easy to intigrate.
3.Debugging is very easy.
4.Re - Useability
1.We Concentrating on work not to person who are going to use it (user)
2.We are Concentrating who is doing the work rather then what is being done.
3.Data Security Major Draw Back.
we have only two concept of data in procedure oriented programming.
1. Data can be a global .
2.Data can be Local.
Global variables used by all the functions, Local variables used by only the function in wich we have declered.
lets see sinario in which i want to declare a variable which would be used by.
Do i have a solution.
3. Object Oriented Programming Concepts
It follows Buttom -Up Approch
Example:-Solution for education organisation . It try to look out the problem form the buttom. who are going to use this . Then i will find out the users.
So user of education organisation would be

Who is doing the Task What is the Task
Tranee can take a course
Tranee can Write Exam
Tranee can take View Result
Set Exam
View Reslts
Create Trainee
Create Trainer

In this programming methodology we are very much interested in who is doing the task .Then what is the task.
In OOP Methodology what is object?
Object can be anything, accroce what we see now, can be object. It can be a leaving thing and non leaving thing.
Every Object has tow thing:-
1.State OR Attribute
2.Behaviour OR Methods
What is State?
State is something which defines look and feel of object.
What is Behaviour?
What can we do with Object.
Real Time Scinario
Bank Account of a customer
Object is here = customer.
State OR Attribute
what could be the state of a customer.
  • Customer ID
  • Account Number
  • Name
  • Address
  • Balance
Behaviour OR Methods
what can a customer do?
  • Deposit the Amount.
  • Withdraw the Amount
  • Balance Enquery
  • Transfer amount
The States of an object is called as Attribute.The Behaviours of an object is called as methods.
State and Behaviour are together is a Blue Print of a Object And the Blue print of an object is called as Class.
Can we give a customer to directly view or edit customer id, can change account number, can directly update balance, we can not give directly access to state or attribute, can customer deposit amount , can customer withdraw amount, can customer balance enquery, yes customer can do, so we give direct access to behivor to methods.
i should give a restricted access to object by using accesser specifiers. So i keep state or attribute as priate and keep behavior or methods as public.
OOP main mission is to represent real world into the cumputer. there are four features which contribute for representing real world secnaries into the computers.
  • Inheritance
  • Abstratraction\
  • Encapsulation
  • Polymorphism

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